Digital Curation and Pinterest Presentation
Developed as an assessment for learning (rather than assessment of learning), this scaffolded task prompts students to consider how social theory is brought to bear through personal narratives. Students use digital platforms (e.g. Pinterest) to create a fictional character profile which becomes a point of reference for progressive tutorial activities.
Assessment method
Disciplinary Film Critique
Students construct a 2000 word essay critiquing a film from their disciplinary perspective. This involves analysing salient aspects of plot situation, thematic elements etc. by applying relevant theories/concepts from the course content. This task particularly reinforces formative disciplinary knowledge (which often challenges early undergraduates) through engaging contemporary contexts.
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Educational Poster Exercise
This assessment has students design a multimodal poster including text, images and visual design elements as an inquiry into a topic of disciplinary relevance. This technique has successfully trialled in the School of Education where it functions to introduce pre-service teaches to inquiry-based pedagogical models, but serves all HaSS disciplines.
Educational Video Project
Students work in pairs to create a short (3 minute) educational video for presentation during a scheduled tutorial time. Students choose for the topic of their video a real-life context that allows them to explore and teach a concept relevant to the course.
Essay Preparation Task
This five part assessment task (presented in a Blackboard learning module) is designed to build foundational research skills, provide meaningful engagement with library resources, and prepare students for a major assessment item.
Feedback-rich Online Quizzes
Delivered as part of a flipped classroom approach, this assessment encourages and rewards students who engage with content before designated class-time. Students complete feedback-rich, online quizzes (via Blackboard) related to the weekly content which serve to increase pre-class reading, engagement and learning, and form the basis for robust in-class discussions.
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Flip video guide for external audience
Beginner level language students use Flip to produce informative videos for an external audience: high school students visiting Brisbane
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Group Work Journal
Collectively worth 10%, this assessment replaces tutorial participation marks. It encourages collaborative reflexivity through weekly electronic group journals and peer assessment. In small groups students craft 200-300 word responses to experiential questions, uploading to Blackboard. Suited to introductory/elective courses, this technique focuses on applying foundational disciplinary knowledge to personal experience.
In-class writing tasks
Students are asked to write a response to a question about their assigned reading during their tutorial.
Identity verified, Time limited
Invigilated (in-class or Zoom) listening test
In-class listening comprehension test, delivered via Blackboard Quiz or Inspera: students watch a short video in French and answer questions about it. Students use their own devices to watch the video and access the test, but are supervised (either in the classroom or via Zoom) by course staff. Internal students use headphones, external students turn their microphones off, but cameras on.