Focused on learning through doing, this assessment encourages students to challenge themselves in developing a lesson plan and demonstration relevant to their discipline. In EDUC3702 this is used in the context of teaching physical activity (HPE), but is usefully appropriated to any area where practical demonstrations are part of professional practice, or where interactivity might facilitate higher level engagement. With specific curricula, learning outcomes, or disciplinary skills in mind, students begin by developing a lesson plan which they later deliver as a 15-20 minute interactive demonstration. Focus might centre on a key task or content area (e.g. teaching literacy through dance); using a specific piece of equipment (e.g. excavation tools used in Archaeology); or fostering co-created knowledge and experience (e.g. for introductory or team building exercises). In addition to inspiring confidence and competence, this task encourages consideration of the practical limitations to delivering a demonstration, including negotiating time constraints; catering to intended target audiences and number of participants; teaching facilities (including layout and availability of technological equipment); and the feasibility of interactive activities in relation to intended learning outcomes. This task is best supported by learning activities offered during tutorials where students practice modelling teaching, before progressing to peer teaching.