In this listening task students answer a set of questions relating to a video. These questions are multiple choice, true/ false, and short answer in French). Students control the video themselves so may watch it as many times as they like within the allotted time period. Students are allowed to consult the course materials and reference resources (dictionaries, grammar books, websites). Students are observed completing the task whether in the classroom or on Zoom. In the case of Zoom invigilation the session is recorded.
- 20-40, 40-60
- First year
- High security
- Medium time
- Identity verified, Time limited
- Authentic, Online
This task is identity verified so allows for an accurate assessment of students’ comprehension. Delivering the test online (through Inspera, or, previously using a link on BB) means students have control of the video and so they are able to stop and play again if they encounter background noise or internet issues.
Finding video resources of comparable length and level of difficulty for different tutorial groups. Trying to ensure that the test is only being taken by the students who are being observed – that other students in the cohort don’t access the link in non-invigilated conditions. Students can collude through Zoom chat or (external students) via other communication channels (e.g. social media).
Tips for implementation
- Ensure that enough staff are available to observe the students both in the classroom and on Zoom.
- Explain to students ahead of time that if they are on Zoom they will need to turn their cameras on and their microphones off, advise them to use the chat to ask their questions.
- Book a computer lab on campus so that no-one is disadvantaged because they don’t have a computer to bring to class, but encourage everyone to bring their own equipment (since they need to use earphones).
- If the test is delivered via Blackboard, it can be set up with a password which is given at the start of the test to students who are present: students can’t access the test unless they turn up. The “Test code” setting in Inspera could potentially be used in the same way, but there are problems transferring the marks to Grade Centre.
Learning outcomes
- Understand and extract the essential information from short recorded passages dealing with [topics covered in the course] that are delivered slowly and clearly
(CEFR scale for Listening to Radio, Audio and Recordings, A2) - Understand short simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type
(CEFR scale for Overall Reading Comprehension, A2). - Show some awareness of French culture and cultural practices (including terms of address and generic conventions).
How it supports academic integrity
Authentic learning characteristics

Dr Barbara Hanna
The continuing interest underpinning my research is that of the self-presentation of the non-native speaker, in different genres. This has led me to work on: culturally determined practices; cross-cultural comparisons; and on intercultural behaviour, how this is conceptualized and how, in practice, encounters between different expectations of appropriate behaviour play out.
One focus of my attention has been the proliferation of new intercultural encounters which are made possible by online technologies. In particular, Juliana de Nooy and I undertook a project examining discussion fora on media websites, culminating in our 2009 book. The pedagogical implications of this work, and my own teaching practices have allowed me to develop expertise in language learning and technology which I have extended through other collaborations (e.g. Cowley & Hanna, 2013 on Wikipedia) research supervisions and publications which derive from it (Gao & Hanna, 2016, on instructional software; work with Khosravi, Gyamfit et al; and a forthcoming paper with Aljohani). Find out more