Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Video Experiment

Assessment method

Video Experiment

Likened to a video essay, this technique sees students design and conduct an individual practical or experiential experiment based on course principles, documenting it (including background, rationale, results and implications) in a 10 minute YouTube video. Videos are edited and published online, with some being potentially translated into scholarly publications.

Second year, Third year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Visual Analysis

Assessment method

Visual Analysis

Students complete a short (800 word) analysis of a visual text of relevance to their discipline, including photographs or artworks. Rather than simply describing the image or artwork, students are expected to critically engage with the visual stimuli and discuss it using themes and concepts covered throughout the course.

Second year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Weekly Blogs

Assessment method

Weekly Blogs

Delivered instead of weekly tutorials, students construct weekly Blackboard blog posts responding to a question and critically addressing key theoretical underpinnings from readings. Designed to elicit theoretically rich conversations, students use written styles similar to those from popular online forums as a means to participate in collegiate debates beyond academia.

First year, Second year, Third year
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Wiki Activity


Wiki Activity

Informed by an active learning pedagogy, this technique sees students co-create an online wiki to which contributions are individually marked. Students work collegiately to prosecute an overall argument that responds to a set question, but receive marks for the quality of their individual input; which addresses potential discrepancies in contribution.

First year, Second year
Class size of 100-500
Medium security