Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Article Review Presentation (using Pinterest and Padlet)


Article Review Presentation (using Pinterest and Padlet)

In small groups students present an article review in dedicated tutorial time. Groups create a Pinterest page in which they collate and curate digital material relevant to their topic. Audience members use Padlet (an online notation tool) to comment on presentations in real time (via personal smartphones) to inform discussion.

First year
Class size of 20-40
High security
Case-based Assessment for Physiotherapy Students

Identity verified, Work-related, Sequence

Case-based Assessment for Physiotherapy Students

Designed as a sequential case-based online and in-class approach, students are able to scaffold their clinical skills and reasoning through developing and implementing case based assessment and management strategies of simple and complex patients. Students are assigned 6 patient cases within Week 8 of the semester of which will be similar to the cases that students are assigned in their end of semester practical examination. Students can work independently or as groups, contributing to Padlet discussions relating to each patient case. Within tutorials, designed sequentially from Week 9 to 12 (2 cases per tutorial), students work together to plan and present their clinical assessment and management of each case, with facilitation and probing from tutorial staff. Within class discussion is facilitated to explore student views and clinical reasoning whilst reflecting on best evidence based practice (Hour 1). Clinical skills practice is then facilitated where students select skills to practice in relation to the outlined case (Hour 2).

Second year, Third year
Class size of 100-500
High security
Identity verified, Work-related, Sequence
Padlet Digital Reflections


Padlet Digital Reflections

Every week of semester students are required to use Padlet to write a reflection using concepts and theories from the week's lecture, readings, and from other resources such as academic and media articles, open blogs, images, video and social media.

Second year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Problem Based Learning Workshop Activities


Problem Based Learning Workshop Activities

Underpinned by a problem-based learning pedagogy (PBL), this assessment sees students attend weekly workshops where they are presented with a scenario based on weekly course content (and related to a contemporary, real-world issue). Students work in small groups to formulate a response or solution to the problem/s, discussed in class.

First year, Second year, Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 40-60