Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Conference abstract and conference presentation

Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Conference abstract and conference presentation

This peer-reviewed conference abstract is the second of three assessment pieces in SWSP1012 - Social Being: Power, Structure and Agency, at the end of which students will be ready to present a paper at a fictitious conference entitled Advancing Human Rights, Social Justice, and Respect for Diversity in Australia Today.

First year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Genre Writing with Peer-review Report


Genre Writing with Peer-review Report

In addition to producing their own piece of creative or academic writing, students work in pairs to provide a detailed feedback report of their partner's draft written assessment. Students are assessed on both the final written piece and on the report they produce for their student partners.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security