Underpinned by a pedagogical approach that recognises the value of understanding all aspects of an argument or debate as a means of fostering deep learning, this assessment requires students complete 3 short (300-350 words) disputations throughout the semester. Students are presented with a question relevant to the course material and are given one week to complete a written response, submitted via Blackboard. Disputations give students an opportunity to debate a chosen subject in writing and to articulate opposing positions in relation to the question or topic. Students are expected to reflect on lecture materials, readings and classroom discussions and present a well-argued and concise answer to the posed question or topic. Emphasis is also placed student's ability to creatively and reflexivity engage with the topics presented. These formative assessments are due intermittently throughout the semester and are administered and completed via Blackboard. This assessment provides early feedback on learning and provides early intervention for students who may need additional support in grasping course content.