In this summative e-delivered assessment students develop a case formulation in which they synthesise key aspects of a written vignette to provide a cohesive narrative of the reasons for the clinical presentation and vulnerability and strengths of the individual described in the vignette, adhering to strict character limits. Justification of differential diagnosis and description of issues which require further clarification are used to demonstrate clinical reasoning. Presentation of a concise and tailored management plan aligns with the clinical reality of the intern role after graduation.

This examination comprises 40% of the final grade for the 6-week Mental Health Placement in Year 3 of the Medical Program. We provide a case vignette in an on-line examination platform and students complete the examination in a 90-minute period. The information is confined to an A4 page of script with consistent headings: Presentation, Past Psychiatric History, Medications, Past Medical History, Drug and Alcohol use, Family Psychiatric History, Personal History, Mental Status Examination.

Students are instructed to:

  • Write a bio-psycho-socio-cultural formulation for this person including presenting, precipitating, predisposing, perpetuating and protective factors as well as risk factors [30 marks]
  • Write a list of the significant gaps in the history with the MOST IMPORTANT gaps identified first [15 marks]
  • Write your provisional diagnosis. Do not use abbreviations [5 marks]
  • List three (3) differential diagnoses (the MOST LIKELY differential diagnosis should be first). Do not use abbreviations [10 marks]
  • Describe your management plan in detail assuming you are an intern working in this setting and are responsible for the patient's ongoing care [40 marks]


Medium security
Identity verified, Work-related, Time limited
Authentic, Online, Problem based
Photo of Professor Jane Turner

Professor Jane Turner

I have worked for over 20 years in the field of Psycho-Oncology as a psychiatrist providing treatment for patients with cancer and their families, and developing a program of research focused on interventions in areas of clinical need, and translational research examining sustainable models of service delivery.

Psycho-Oncology encompasses attention to the psychological, emotional and social needs of people with cancer and their families or carers. It encompasses attention to spiritual and cultural concerns, across all phases of the cancer experience from diagnosis, through treatment, survivorship or advanced diseases. It is a relatively new discipline. The International Psycho-Oncology Society was established in 1984. As such, much of the research in this field has been descriptive and it is only in recent years that robust trials of interventions have become more common. involves attention to the psychological, emotional and social needs of people with cancer and their family or carers. Find out more