Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Visual Analysis

Assessment method

Visual Analysis

Students complete a short (800 word) analysis of a visual text of relevance to their discipline, including photographs or artworks. Rather than simply describing the image or artwork, students are expected to critically engage with the visual stimuli and discuss it using themes and concepts covered throughout the course.

Second year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Written Formulation and Case Management in Mental Health

Identity verified, Work-related, Time limited

Written Formulation and Case Management in Mental Health

In this summative e-delivered assessment students develop a case formulation in which they synthesise key aspects of a written vignette to provide a cohesive narrative of the reasons for the clinical presentation and vulnerability and strengths of the individual described in the vignette, adhering to strict character limits.

Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Identity verified, Work-related, Time limited