Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Blog Entries


Blog Entries

Underpinned by a pedagogical commitment to feedback rich assessment, this assessment sees students complete 10 blog posts throughout the semester; student's receive detailed feedback for five of these and are given the opportunity to incorporate this feedback into a revised version of the blog post prior to marking.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Historical Research Project

Work-related, Group

Historical Research Project

In this major research piece, students create a historical research project (in place of a traditional essay) that can be disseminated to a wider, non-academic audience. Approximately 3500 words (or equivalent), the project can take multiple formats including a website, exhibition proposal, eBook, oral history report, travel brochure, or documentary.

Third year
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Work-related, Group
Media Lab Student Negotiated Assessment

Assessment method

Media Lab Student Negotiated Assessment

Designed explicitly to provide student flexibility and cater to diverse learning styles, this technique has students produce a piece of written or audio-visual content in response to a provocation from a course practicum or theoretical perspective. Content can take numerous forms including a blog, critical review, documentary, or reflexive essay.

Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Padlet Digital Reflections


Padlet Digital Reflections

Every week of semester students are required to use Padlet to write a reflection using concepts and theories from the week's lecture, readings, and from other resources such as academic and media articles, open blogs, images, video and social media.

Second year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Public Showcase Review

Assessment method

Public Showcase Review

Students visit a contemporary showcase relevant to their discipline (e.g. an art or museum exhibition, public speech, music or theatre production, etc.) and write a critical review in response. The appraisal should respond to key disciplinary issues introduced throughout the course), and mimic the tone of a specific industry publication.

Second year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Weekly Blogs

Assessment method

Weekly Blogs

Delivered instead of weekly tutorials, students construct weekly Blackboard blog posts responding to a question and critically addressing key theoretical underpinnings from readings. Designed to elicit theoretically rich conversations, students use written styles similar to those from popular online forums as a means to participate in collegiate debates beyond academia.

First year, Second year, Third year
Class size of 100-500
Medium security