Article Review Presentation (using Pinterest and Padlet)
In small groups students present an article review in dedicated tutorial time. Groups create a Pinterest page in which they collate and curate digital material relevant to their topic. Audience members use Padlet (an online notation tool) to comment on presentations in real time (via personal smartphones) to inform discussion.
Artifact-inspired Writing Task
Students use artifacts as points of inspiration for short (500 word) written pieces relevant to their discipline. Students are marked on their written expression and adherence to conventions of the genre. Works are also recited during tutorials and students marked on how well they engage others through their spoken delivery.
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Authentic Assessment in Medicine and Public Health
Authentic assessment, group / team work, environmental impact on public health, improving health outcomes, vlogging, scaffolding, presentation, applying learning to practice, linking course materials and learning activities with the learning objectives.
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Brand Strategy Audit
Student teams will practice with and apply our brand strategy model and methods to a real world brand of their choosing. The project involves qualitative and quantitative consumer research, so that students learn brand analysis not based on the students' own opinions of the brand but on the evidence of consumer perceptions of the brand. Students analyse the current brand strategy and recommend a complete brand strategy plan. This project will help students learn the theory, will help students understand how it is applied, and will help students acquire the skill of how to do a brand audit.
Identity verified, Work-related, Sequence
Case-based Assessment for Physiotherapy Students
Designed as a sequential case-based online and in-class approach, students are able to scaffold their clinical skills and reasoning through developing and implementing case based assessment and management strategies of simple and complex patients. Students are assigned 6 patient cases within Week 8 of the semester of which will be similar to the cases that students are assigned in their end of semester practical examination. Students can work independently or as groups, contributing to Padlet discussions relating to each patient case. Within tutorials, designed sequentially from Week 9 to 12 (2 cases per tutorial), students work together to plan and present their clinical assessment and management of each case, with facilitation and probing from tutorial staff. Within class discussion is facilitated to explore student views and clinical reasoning whilst reflecting on best evidence based practice (Hour 1). Clinical skills practice is then facilitated where students select skills to practice in relation to the outlined case (Hour 2).
Clinical Case Presentation
The Clinical Case Presentation (CCP) is an exercise in which students demonstrate their skills in assessing a patient's problem/s, with specific emphasis on the relevant clinical and investigative findings, the diagnosis and the current and potential future management plans. Furthermore, the student is expected to read around the surgically relevant or related aspects of the case and be expected to discuss these with the examiner during the presentation.
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Clinical Project Using Action Learning
As part of a progressive series of seminars, this assessment item acts as the culminating piece for each seminar. The default submission format is a written piece lodged via Turn-It-In of between 750-1500 words - with greater weight allocated to the assessment items as the seminars progress. Because of the nature of the cohort (practising sport coaches) and the level of the program (post-graduate study), students are offered a degree of choice within each seminar (e.g. topic focus and submission format). Students are supported through this process through the seminar structure of reading week, discussion week, assessment week).
Condensed Problem-based Assessment
Students are set discipline-specific problem-based exercises for completion during class. The objective is to craft a written response (1500 words) to the problem, or use group collaboration to develop and deliver a 10-15 minute presentation proposing a solution. This assessment requires active problem solving and engagement with relevant web sources.
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Conference abstract and conference presentation
This peer-reviewed conference abstract is the second of three assessment pieces in SWSP1012 - Social Being: Power, Structure and Agency, at the end of which students will be ready to present a paper at a fictitious conference entitled Advancing Human Rights, Social Justice, and Respect for Diversity in Australia Today.
Conference Presentation
ENGG1600 is a course which embeds research into the undergraduate degree in first year. Assessment is authentic - no exam - instead students work towards a final conference at which they present and for which they have had to write a conference paper (using Nature guidelines).