Work-related, Group
Assemblage-Based Project Report
Developed as an authentic assessment that simulates analytical skills as used in vocational and academic settings, this task has students analyse a real or created assemblage - a group of disciplinary-relevant artefacts, (e.g. in Archaeology, cultural objects, tools or skeletal remains from a specific site) to produce a written report.
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed
Authentic assessment in Finance
Students are required to complete an individual assignment (20%) on conducting fundamental analysis of a listed company. This company will later be included in the team project (20%) for students to conduct extensive analysis. The team project is followed by a live Q&A session (10%) and a compulsory peer assessment evaluation. These authentic assessments use real-world data to encourage students to think critically and apply textbook-based knowledge to real-world situations.
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Clinical Project Using Action Learning
As part of a progressive series of seminars, this assessment item acts as the culminating piece for each seminar. The default submission format is a written piece lodged via Turn-It-In of between 750-1500 words - with greater weight allocated to the assessment items as the seminars progress. Because of the nature of the cohort (practising sport coaches) and the level of the program (post-graduate study), students are offered a degree of choice within each seminar (e.g. topic focus and submission format). Students are supported through this process through the seminar structure of reading week, discussion week, assessment week).
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Community Research Group Project
In this semester-long, scaffolded assessment, students collaborate in small groups to complete a community-based research project, drawing on discipline-specific methodologies and conceptual frameworks. The assessment is divided into three tasks focusing on (1) quantitative research skills, (2) qualitative research skills, and (3) presenting key research findings.
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Conference abstract and conference presentation
This peer-reviewed conference abstract is the second of three assessment pieces in SWSP1012 - Social Being: Power, Structure and Agency, at the end of which students will be ready to present a paper at a fictitious conference entitled Advancing Human Rights, Social Justice, and Respect for Diversity in Australia Today.
Conference Presentation
ENGG1600 is a course which embeds research into the undergraduate degree in first year. Assessment is authentic - no exam - instead students work towards a final conference at which they present and for which they have had to write a conference paper (using Nature guidelines).
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Creative Production Project and Presentation
As a class students are set a collaborative task to produce a creative item relevant to their discipline (e.g. in MUSC3020, an original Album recorded and produced by students) and attend weekly laboratory sessions focused on relevant skill acquisition. This is scaffolded with written reflections where students outline their contribution.
Critical Reflection (Tutorial)
Students write a 500 word critical reflection on the professional and applied skills learned from undertaking a particular course of study. This is submitted at the end of the teaching period subsequent to weekly in-class worksheets (which students must have completed throughout the semester to be eligible for full marks).
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Design Development Supported by a Virtual Environment
Delivered in an active learning environment, this work-integrated learning experience and authentic assessment task requires preparation of a written and diagrammatic report. Students critically analyse a given construction detail in 4-dimensions using an interactive digital learning environment, then apply their learning to a 3-dimensional analysis and resolution of two construction details derived from a team-based schematic design completed in the previous assignment.
Educational Video Project
Students work in pairs to create a short (3 minute) educational video for presentation during a scheduled tutorial time. Students choose for the topic of their video a real-life context that allows them to explore and teach a concept relevant to the course.