Students work in teams of four or five to collate and critically analyse a building site that they will use for an individual design later in semester. They work quickly in the architectural studio setting to find, critically analyse and curate information about the building site, and the strategies used by precedent buildings which will assist them with their later design. This process aims to help students deal collectively with large amounts of information in a short period of time. Groups then work to develop design strategies for the site based on the site analysis and precedent studies, which are shared with the whole studio group (about 26 students) and can be taken up by any other student in the studio. The presentations are a modified 'pecha kucha' style of 20 slides of 30 second each, meaning a group presentation of 10 minutes. This hones the presentations skills required for later presentation of individual designs at critiques, and shares large amount of analysis with the whole group quickly. Both graphic and verbal communication is used, and a written analysis is also presented for integrity testing and written feedback.