This is a two-pronged assessment comprising (A) a Group Performance and (B) a Critical Reflection. In Part A (in which students receive a group mark out of 25) students form groups of four to six and collectively research develop a 10-15 minute presentation related to a topic from the coursework. Topics may be student selected (as in DRAM2030), or based on a particular stimulus piece (e.g. DRAM2090 and ANCH3020 use cultural products - historic plays, architectural monuments - as points of provocation). Students are graded on depth of engagement (including evidence of scholarly research), as well as on their presentation/performance skills; and are encouraged to pursue resourceful performance modalities (away from traditional PowerPoint and seminar-style oral presentations). In previous deliveries students created video submissions, set designs, theatrical performance pieces, dramaturgical mock interviews, news broadcasts, television/gameshows, soap operas, movie pitches, or art exhibitions or critiques. Part B is an individual critical reflection on Part A. Individually marked out of 15, students write 500 words reflecting on relationships between theory and practice brought to bear through the task, as well as (where relevant) commentary on their contributions, group dynamics, issues arising in group work and their resolution. Ideally weighted at 40%, the overall grade for this piece is calculated by combining group performance and individual critical reflection grades for each student.