Assessment method
Active Learning Assignment Using On-line Interactive Simulations
Students access on-line interactive simulations that allow the exploration of physical systems. They have control over the key parameters which they can actively change and observe the impact on the system under study. The assessment item requires them to explore a particular aspect of the simulation, demonstrating an understanding of the underlying physical processes. A variety of simulations are available across the internet for use across different discipline areas.
Article Review Presentation (using Pinterest and Padlet)
In small groups students present an article review in dedicated tutorial time. Groups create a Pinterest page in which they collate and curate digital material relevant to their topic. Audience members use Padlet (an online notation tool) to comment on presentations in real time (via personal smartphones) to inform discussion.
Artifact-inspired Writing Task
Students use artifacts as points of inspiration for short (500 word) written pieces relevant to their discipline. Students are marked on their written expression and adherence to conventions of the genre. Works are also recited during tutorials and students marked on how well they engage others through their spoken delivery.
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Authentic Assessment in Medicine and Public Health
Authentic assessment, group / team work, environmental impact on public health, improving health outcomes, vlogging, scaffolding, presentation, applying learning to practice, linking course materials and learning activities with the learning objectives.
Identity verified, Work-related, Sequence
Case-based Assessment for Physiotherapy Students
Designed as a sequential case-based online and in-class approach, students are able to scaffold their clinical skills and reasoning through developing and implementing case based assessment and management strategies of simple and complex patients. Students are assigned 6 patient cases within Week 8 of the semester of which will be similar to the cases that students are assigned in their end of semester practical examination. Students can work independently or as groups, contributing to Padlet discussions relating to each patient case. Within tutorials, designed sequentially from Week 9 to 12 (2 cases per tutorial), students work together to plan and present their clinical assessment and management of each case, with facilitation and probing from tutorial staff. Within class discussion is facilitated to explore student views and clinical reasoning whilst reflecting on best evidence based practice (Hour 1). Clinical skills practice is then facilitated where students select skills to practice in relation to the outlined case (Hour 2).
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Creative Production Project and Presentation
As a class students are set a collaborative task to produce a creative item relevant to their discipline (e.g. in MUSC3020, an original Album recorded and produced by students) and attend weekly laboratory sessions focused on relevant skill acquisition. This is scaffolded with written reflections where students outline their contribution.
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Design Development Supported by a Virtual Environment
Delivered in an active learning environment, this work-integrated learning experience and authentic assessment task requires preparation of a written and diagrammatic report. Students critically analyse a given construction detail in 4-dimensions using an interactive digital learning environment, then apply their learning to a 3-dimensional analysis and resolution of two construction details derived from a team-based schematic design completed in the previous assignment.
Digital Curation and Pinterest Presentation
Developed as an assessment for learning (rather than assessment of learning), this scaffolded task prompts students to consider how social theory is brought to bear through personal narratives. Students use digital platforms (e.g. Pinterest) to create a fictional character profile which becomes a point of reference for progressive tutorial activities.
Group, Sequence
Group Performance Research Project (with individual critical reflection)
In groups, students deliver a performance piece on a topic arising from the course. Focusing on creative modalities, students develop an imaginative approach to their presentation such as a video submission, theatrical performance, role play, art exhibition, movie pitch etc. This is accompanied by an individual 500 word critical reflection.
Work-related, Group
Historical Research Project
In this major research piece, students create a historical research project (in place of a traditional essay) that can be disseminated to a wider, non-academic audience. Approximately 3500 words (or equivalent), the project can take multiple formats including a website, exhibition proposal, eBook, oral history report, travel brochure, or documentary.