Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Authentic assessment in Finance

Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed

Authentic assessment in Finance

Students are required to complete an individual assignment (20%) on conducting fundamental analysis of a listed company. This company will later be included in the team project (20%) for students to conduct extensive analysis. The team project is followed by a live Q&A session (10%) and a compulsory peer assessment evaluation. These authentic assessments use real-world data to encourage students to think critically and apply textbook-based knowledge to real-world situations.

Class size of 500+
High security
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed
Authentic Assessment in Medicine and Public Health

Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Authentic Assessment in Medicine and Public Health

Authentic assessment, group / team work, environmental impact on public health, improving health outcomes, vlogging, scaffolding, presentation, applying learning to practice, linking course materials and learning activities with the learning objectives.

Class size of 500+
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Authentic weekly portfolio, case studies, team-based assignment, and reflection

Group, Peer-assessed, Time limited

Authentic weekly portfolio, case studies, team-based assignment, and reflection

Practitioners often criticise higher education curricula for the disconnect between theory and practice. I designed this authentic assessment (case studies, team-based assignments, report writing) to 'inoculate' my students with managerial challenges (e.g. conflict management) while connecting theory and practice to resolve these challenges in the real world of work.

Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 40-60, 60-80, 80-100
High security
Group, Peer-assessed, Time limited
Conference abstract and conference presentation

Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Conference abstract and conference presentation

This peer-reviewed conference abstract is the second of three assessment pieces in SWSP1012 - Social Being: Power, Structure and Agency, at the end of which students will be ready to present a paper at a fictitious conference entitled Advancing Human Rights, Social Justice, and Respect for Diversity in Australia Today.

First year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
External Client Engagement and Report

Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

External Client Engagement and Report

In small groups (2-4) students liaise with an external client organisation and conduct stakeholder engagement to produce a report or output that aligns with client needs. In the case of COMU7013, students design, conduct, analyse, and report on, a participatory needs and opportunity assessment relating to a simple, real-world issue.

Class size of 10-20
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Group Presentation with Creative Peer Feedback

Group, Peer-assessed

Group Presentation with Creative Peer Feedback

In small groups students prepare an oral presentation in which they draw on key disciplinary outputs to discuss a topic relevant to the course content. Additionally, students must individually provide peer feedback/reflections for two other group presentations, the form of which is to be decided by the student.

Second year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Group, Peer-assessed
Group Work Journal

Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Group Work Journal

Collectively worth 10%, this assessment replaces tutorial participation marks. It encourages collaborative reflexivity through weekly electronic group journals and peer assessment. In small groups students craft 200-300 word responses to experiential questions, uploading to Blackboard. Suited to introductory/elective courses, this technique focuses on applying foundational disciplinary knowledge to personal experience.

First year, Second year, Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 60-80
High security
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Interactive Scenario for Professional and Ethical Decision Making

Work-related, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Interactive Scenario for Professional and Ethical Decision Making

Real world interactive scenario for professional and ethical decision making challenges. Built for 4th year Dentistry students and assessed with a personal reflection driven by targeted questions, and with a marking matrix embedded.

Third year
Class size of 80-100
Work-related, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Policy Submission

Group, Peer-assessed

Policy Submission

This authentic assessment sees students work both individually and in small groups to produce a governmental policy submission. This scaffolded assessment includes a number of progressive tasks due throughout the semester, including a brief oral presentation, a draft policy proposal, a background and issues document, and the final policy submission.

Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Group, Peer-assessed
Poster and discussion

Peer-assessed, Sequence

Poster and discussion

Students choose a specific theory, or theoretical perspective, and apply this to an object analysis (of a cultural object, practice, or phenomena). This analysis is to be presented in the format of a poster. Students field questions from staff and students in relation to their poster during a roaming exhibition stanalysis (of a cultural object, practice, or phenomena). This analysis is to be presented in the format of a poster. Students field questions from staff and students in relation to their poster during a roaming exhibition style Q&A.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Peer-assessed, Sequence