Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Educational Video Project


Educational Video Project

Students work in pairs to create a short (3 minute) educational video for presentation during a scheduled tutorial time. Students choose for the topic of their video a real-life context that allows them to explore and teach a concept relevant to the course.

First year, Second year, Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Ethnographic Fieldwork (Supervised Placement)

Work-related, Sequence

Ethnographic Fieldwork (Supervised Placement)

Students undertake a short (40 hour) placement or volunteer position to learn the methodological and practical skills required to undertake social scientific research. There may be several scaffolded assessments associated with this work-integrated learning experience; a pre-fieldwork report, a reflexive journal, a seminar presentation, and a final report.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
High security
Work-related, Sequence
Extended Simulation Exercise

Work-related, Group, Sequence

Extended Simulation Exercise

This task sees students participate in a four week Simulation Role Play in an area specific to their discipline of study. Students work in groups to assume the role of specific stakeholders/actors within the simulation. Rather than the simulation itself, students are assessed on an Operation Plan and a Final Report.

Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Funding Pitch


Funding Pitch

This authentic assessment sees students collaborate to prepare and present a 5-minute pitch aimed at a hypothetical funding body. The imagined context is that this will precede a hypothetical five thousand dollar grant application for a product or project relevant to a specific disciplinary content or area of professional practice.

Second year, Third year
Class size of 40-60
High security
Genre Writing and Recital/Presentation

Identity verified

Genre Writing and Recital/Presentation

Students write a 1500 – 2000 word document (in a form decided by the convenor) in the language being taught. This is paired with an oral presentation based on the written piece. Students are assessed on grammatical proficiency and their ability to conform to stylistic conventions of the written genre.

Third year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Identity verified
Genre Writing with Peer-review Report


Genre Writing with Peer-review Report

In addition to producing their own piece of creative or academic writing, students work in pairs to provide a detailed feedback report of their partner's draft written assessment. Students are assessed on both the final written piece and on the report they produce for their student partners.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
Medium security
Grant Application


Grant Application

Informed by an embodied pedagogy, this task sees students assume disciplinary stakeholder roles attempting to secure project funds through a grant application to a specific organisation. Students design a project and craft a grant application consistent with the funder's actual requirements and formatting.

Third year
Class size of 10-20
Group Performance Research Project (with individual critical reflection)

Group, Sequence

Group Performance Research Project (with individual critical reflection)

In groups, students deliver a performance piece on a topic arising from the course. Focusing on creative modalities, students develop an imaginative approach to their presentation such as a video submission, theatrical performance, role play, art exhibition, movie pitch etc. This is accompanied by an individual 500 word critical reflection.

Third year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Group, Sequence
Group Translation Exercise

Work-related, Group

Group Translation Exercise

As a class, students participate in a real-world translation project which may be published subject to the editor's and author's approval. Students are placed in teams and work collaboratively to translate an allocated portion of the text.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
High security
Work-related, Group
Group Work Journal

Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

Group Work Journal

Collectively worth 10%, this assessment replaces tutorial participation marks. It encourages collaborative reflexivity through weekly electronic group journals and peer assessment. In small groups students craft 200-300 word responses to experiential questions, uploading to Blackboard. Suited to introductory/elective courses, this technique focuses on applying foundational disciplinary knowledge to personal experience.

First year, Second year, Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 60-80
High security
Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence