Work-related, Group
Historical Research Project
In this major research piece, students create a historical research project (in place of a traditional essay) that can be disseminated to a wider, non-academic audience. Approximately 3500 words (or equivalent), the project can take multiple formats including a website, exhibition proposal, eBook, oral history report, travel brochure, or documentary.
Assessment method
Individual Translation Exercise
This task sees students produce a language translation from a 500-700 word source text, accompanied by a commentary (also 500-700 words) in either English or the language of study. The commentary must provide full bibliographic information and a general overview of the source text including its genre and stylistic construction.
Work-related, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Interactive Scenario for Professional and Ethical Decision Making
Real world interactive scenario for professional and ethical decision making challenges. Built for 4th year Dentistry students and assessed with a personal reflection driven by targeted questions, and with a marking matrix embedded.
Identity verified
International Field School
This learning experience (and accompanying assessment) sees students travel to an oversees destination and engage in extended, experiential learning. Students are required to complete a combination of on-site assessment such as practical fieldwork, fieldwork journals and presentations, as well off-site assessment such as final research essays based on fieldwork.
Interview-based Research Project
Students carry out and analyse four interviews (with individuals selected on the basis of discipline). The assessment consists of four stages: developing a semi-structured interview schedule and locating interviewees; conducting and recording interviews; creating verbatim transcripts; and performing qualitative analysis to produce a 1000 word field report of their findings.
Identity verified
Knowledge transfer: Briefing session
Students who have completed their semester abroad reflect on this experience to provide concrete advice on the Study Abroad experience in a pre-departure briefing or information session for students who are currently considering an exchange experience.
Work-related, Group
Management Team Meeting
Following a Team-Based Learning (TBL) pedagogy, students are placed into teams of 6-9, and act as the Executive of an Organisation. Confronted by changes in the organisation's internal and external environments, they apply theory from key frameworks in strategic management theory to make strategic decisions on behalf of their organisation.
Assessment method
Material Object Analysis (Report and Essay)
Students choose a material object from a specific collection (in the case of ANTH2208 the UQ Anthropology Museum) on which they must conduct an extended analysis over the duration of a semester. This object-centred learning assessment is divided into two components, an initial report and final research essay.
Assessment method
Media Lab Student Negotiated Assessment
Designed explicitly to provide student flexibility and cater to diverse learning styles, this technique has students produce a piece of written or audio-visual content in response to a provocation from a course practicum or theoretical perspective. Content can take numerous forms including a blog, critical review, documentary, or reflexive essay.
Ministerial Policy Recommendation
In this skills-oriented assessment, students are asked to identify a contemporary policy issue and make a clear and succinct case for policy change in the form of a short (2 page) ministerial policy recommendation or brief. Students also provide an additional list of (scholarly) sources consulted in preparing their recommendation.