Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Design Development Supported by a Virtual Environment

Work-related, Group, Sequence

Design Development Supported by a Virtual Environment

Delivered in an active learning environment, this work-integrated learning experience and authentic assessment task requires preparation of a written and diagrammatic report. Students critically analyse a given construction detail in 4-dimensions using an interactive digital learning environment, then apply their learning to a 3-dimensional analysis and resolution of two construction details derived from a team-based schematic design completed in the previous assignment.

Third year
Class size of 80-100
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Digital Curation and Pinterest Presentation


Digital Curation and Pinterest Presentation

Developed as an assessment for learning (rather than assessment of learning), this scaffolded task prompts students to consider how social theory is brought to bear through personal narratives. Students use digital platforms (e.g. Pinterest) to create a fictional character profile which becomes a point of reference for progressive tutorial activities.

First year, Second year, Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Essay Preparation Task


Essay Preparation Task

This five part assessment task (presented in a Blackboard learning module) is designed to build foundational research skills, provide meaningful engagement with library resources, and prepare students for a major assessment item.

First year
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Ethnographic Fieldwork (Supervised Placement)

Work-related, Sequence

Ethnographic Fieldwork (Supervised Placement)

Students undertake a short (40 hour) placement or volunteer position to learn the methodological and practical skills required to undertake social scientific research. There may be several scaffolded assessments associated with this work-integrated learning experience; a pre-fieldwork report, a reflexive journal, a seminar presentation, and a final report.

Third year
Class size of 20-40
High security
Work-related, Sequence
Event Curation


Event Curation

Students imagine curating an event relevant to their industry (e.g. film festival, museum exhibition, congress, conference proceedings etc.) and develop a series of program notes (accompanied by a rationale) relating to the production. Students utilise scholarly databases to complete the task and can create programming notes using Cirrus (online exhibition platform).

Second year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Extended Simulation Exercise

Work-related, Group, Sequence

Extended Simulation Exercise

This task sees students participate in a four week Simulation Role Play in an area specific to their discipline of study. Students work in groups to assume the role of specific stakeholders/actors within the simulation. Rather than the simulation itself, students are assessed on an Operation Plan and a Final Report.

Third year, Post-graduate
Class size of 100-500
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Sequence
External Client Engagement and Report

Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence

External Client Engagement and Report

In small groups (2-4) students liaise with an external client organisation and conduct stakeholder engagement to produce a report or output that aligns with client needs. In the case of COMU7013, students design, conduct, analyse, and report on, a participatory needs and opportunity assessment relating to a simple, real-world issue.

Class size of 10-20
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Peer-assessed, Sequence
Feedback-rich Online Quizzes


Feedback-rich Online Quizzes

Delivered as part of a flipped classroom approach, this assessment encourages and rewards students who engage with content before designated class-time. Students complete feedback-rich, online quizzes (via Blackboard) related to the weekly content which serve to increase pre-class reading, engagement and learning, and form the basis for robust in-class discussions.

First year
Class size of 40-60
High security
Group Performance Research Project (with individual critical reflection)

Group, Sequence

Group Performance Research Project (with individual critical reflection)

In groups, students deliver a performance piece on a topic arising from the course. Focusing on creative modalities, students develop an imaginative approach to their presentation such as a video submission, theatrical performance, role play, art exhibition, movie pitch etc. This is accompanied by an individual 500 word critical reflection.

Third year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Group, Sequence
Group Site and Precedent Analysis for Design Studio

Work-related, Group, Sequence

Group Site and Precedent Analysis for Design Studio

Students work in teams to collate and critically analyse a building site, and precedent building designs, that they will use for an individual design later in semester. They learn to work quickly in teams and to critically reflect on their own and team-mates work, in studio. The work is jointly presented in modified 'pecha kucha' style (20 slides for 30 seconds each only) to further share their ideas with the rest of the studio cohort.

Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Work-related, Group, Sequence