Ministerial Policy Recommendation
In this skills-oriented assessment, students are asked to identify a contemporary policy issue and make a clear and succinct case for policy change in the form of a short (2 page) ministerial policy recommendation or brief. Students also provide an additional list of (scholarly) sources consulted in preparing their recommendation.
Assessment method
Online discussion (Participation on Internet news websites)
Designed to encourage students to participate in discipline specific real-world discussions, this assessment sees students post in the 'comments' section of online news websites, using either the originally posted article or an existing comment as stimuli. Students write a total of three comments, the best two of which are marked.
Assessment method
Online Disputation
Appropriated from traditional philosophical teaching methods, this assessment sees students complete three 'disputations' throughout the semester in which they articulate and debate opposing positions in relation to a set question or topic based on course content. The aim is to deepen students understanding of, and ability to articulate, core course concepts.
Online Facebook participation
Throughout the semester students are asked to participate in online discussions of the course content. This task works really well for topics that have a visual component but could be used in other courses.
Identity verified, Work-related, Time limited
Oral Exam
This Oral Exam format (approximately 10 minutes) tests mastery of ideas and texts while building oral presentation skills, especially rhetorical adroitness.
Padlet Digital Reflections
Every week of semester students are required to use Padlet to write a reflection using concepts and theories from the week's lecture, readings, and from other resources such as academic and media articles, open blogs, images, video and social media.
Identity verified, Sequence
Peer-led Class Engagement Activities
Designed as a low weighted, in-class activity to increase student engagement and to foster skills in facilitation and leadership, this assessment sees students take on the role of leading various small activities. These may include preparing the learning environment, facilitating a class warm-up activity, or hosting a mid-class break.
Identity verified
Practical Activity Facilitation
This student-driven assessment is designed to promote confidence and competence in peer-led practical demonstration. It comprises a lesson plan or seminar notes, and a 15-20 minute teaching demonstration that aligns with a curriculum or discipline. Students showcase their demonstration to peers in class time and facilitate interactive participation and discussion.
Identity verified
Practical In-class Quiz
Short (15-20 minutes) in-class practical quizzes in which students rotate around a room of artefacts. Designed to teach and test practical skills and/or the practical application of knowledge, these quizzes are most effectively administered intermittently (2-6 per semester) to test cumulative knowledge and to provide regular feedback on their learning.
Work-related, Group, Sequence
Practical Industry Relevant Investment Report & Model
This assessment is based on the work that a typical 1st year to 5th year graduate would do as an investment analyst. They are required to work in a team of four and complete extensive research and analysis of a company, it's industry and competitors. Then develop a rigorous financial model to value the company and write an in depth report for an investment committee to recommend buying or selling this investment.