Advanced options
Class size
Time requirements
Graduate attributes
Sound File Project

Assessment method

Sound File Project

This task-based, computer assisted language learning assessment sees students record and upload weekly audio files responding to questions or prompts from course coordinators. This is a practical means of extending spoken language learning beyond contact hours in a way that provides students with personalised feedback and opportunities for rapport building.

Second year
Class size of 20-40
High security
Unfamiliar Contexts in Invigilated Exams

Identity verified, Time limited

Unfamiliar Contexts in Invigilated Exams

SCIE1000 covers mathematics, computer programming, communication, science and modelling. The main goal is to help students see that similar tools and approaches can be applied in a wide range of discipline areas and contexts. So my goal was mostly to develop students’ abilities and confidence in transferring knowledge from one context to another context that may initially appear to be quite distinct, but in reality the same general approaches apply. This is important in this course because we teach students from all areas of science.

First year
Class size of 500+
High security
Identity verified, Time limited
Unrehearsed Oral Presentation

Identity verified

Unrehearsed Oral Presentation

This practical task see students complete an oral performance during dedicated class time in response to some form of in-situ stimuli, such as a live presentation or audio-visual material. In JAPN7200, students attend weekly live interpreting forums and must orally interpret (from English to Japanese) speeches delivered by guest speakers.

Class size of 10-20
High security
Identity verified
Video Experiment

Assessment method

Video Experiment

Likened to a video essay, this technique sees students design and conduct an individual practical or experiential experiment based on course principles, documenting it (including background, rationale, results and implications) in a 10 minute YouTube video. Videos are edited and published online, with some being potentially translated into scholarly publications.

Second year, Third year
Class size of 40-60
Medium security
Virtual Business Enterprise Business Plan Assignment

Work-related, Group

Virtual Business Enterprise Business Plan Assignment

The Virtual Business Enterprise (VBE) is a digital learning resource consisting of a number of small retail businesses. Each semester student groups are allocated a VBE business and these groups 'trade' in 2 sessions across the semester. After each session, a complete set of financial statements is generated for each business. The final set of financial statements is used as a starting point for the business plan assignment linked to the VBE exercise.

First year
Class size of 500+
Medium security
Work-related, Group
VIVA Vocce Examination to Test Clinical Reasoning


VIVA Vocce Examination to Test Clinical Reasoning

In order to assess student preparedness for the transition to the clinical-phase of the BVSc, students are assessed by a VIVA Vocce examination at the end of their 3rd year. The VIVA examination is a one-hour examination split between a written and oral component. Exam content is highly integrated and assesses content taught from each of the five 3rd year BVSc courses taught. Students are assessed against a standard rubric for their ability to identify problems, pathologic processes that may explain these problems, diagnostics, diagnoses, therapeutics, as well as professional communication.

Third year
Class size of 100-500
High security
Workplace Learning Portfolio

Work-related, Sequence

Workplace Learning Portfolio

In Phase 2 (the clinical years) of the MD program in the Faculty of Medicine, students collect evidence of observed practice of core clinical skills - Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX), Direct Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS) and Compulsory Observed Procedural Skills (COPS). They also lodge Clinical Participation Assessments for each clinical rotation. The overarching aims of the Workplace Learning Portfolio course are intern readiness, to be observed practicing core skills and receive feedback, and to use that feedback to continue to grow and develop.

Class size of 100-500
High security
Work-related, Sequence